CNRN Exam Review (Preview)

2.5 Contact Hours Module Description Neurotrauma involving the brain and spinal cord can be a devastating injury. The neuroscience nurse needs to be prepared to intervene in the acute setting to stabilize and prevent further injury. Recognition of early clinical changes indicating an onset of a complication is important for the nurse caring for these patients and can make a difference in the neurological outcome. Once stabilized, the neurotrauma patient will begin the rehabilitation phase, which may continue for the rest of his or her life. This session will provide the participant with knowledge in caring for the neurotrauma patient and includes the acute care management, recognition of complication and rapid responses to prevent further injury. The session also addresses some of the long-term rehabilitation issues of the traumatic brain and spinal cord injury. Module Learning Outcomes This module prepares the learner to: 1. Discuss the care provided for a patient with a basilar skull fracture and identify potential complications. 2. Differentiate primary from secondary traumatic brain injuries and discuss the prevention and management of the secondary injuries. 3. Describe mechanism of injury, presentation and rehabilitation of the partial spinal cord injuries: central cord syndrome, anterior cord syndrome and Brown-Séquard cord syndrome. 4. Discuss the complications of spinal cord injury including spinal shock, neurogenic shock and autonomic dysreflexia.